Plant Stem Cells - Defying Age - In And Out

Many people with hair loss problems will try a variety of different hair loss products. This is why the hair treatment industry is a multibillion dollar a year industry. Many people are always looking for the next big cure. There are a few products in the way of new cure for balding that anyone suffering with loss of hair may want to take a look at.

It is much easier to believe thus saith the Lord then to spend hours of research to prove to ourselves VSEL Stem Cells what we can trust from the Word of God in the first place.

In order for a cord blood transplant to work, there needs to be at least 75 mL of blood collected. This amount of blood ensures that there are enough stems cells available for the transplantation process to happen. The next step comes in storage of the cord blood. Since it is a biological material, it will be tested to ensure that there are no diseases such as HIV or hepatitis and other problems. Once this is done, the storage process can take place through cryopreservation. A cryopreservant is added to the blood, which will allow the blood to slowly begin to freeze. The slow process is needed to keep the cells alive throughout the process. Once it is cooled to -90 degrees celsius, it can then be added to liquid nitrogen tanks that will keep it frozen at -196 degrees celsius.

"The idea that a stem cell has the power to make its own niche, its own environment, to feed itself, no one had ever looked at," says Dr. Bhatia, whose work was published in the July 14, 2007 online edition of the journal Nature.

Human vsel cells are a special type of normal human cells that have the ability to form new adult tissue. This process is called differentiation. When applied to aging skin, human stem cells allow for the formation of younger skin. When this takes place, new cells replace the old cells. Age spots and wrinkles are prevented and reduced.

With the help of this treatment one can regenerate and repair the old and damaged cells. Moreover this bio technique can also be used to treat things which ultimately lead to aging. These things include Parkinson's, aging, heart diseases, Alzheimer's disease and diabetes etc. Certain tissues of red blood cells, white blood cells and digestive systems are regenerated. It has been proven through authentic research that this tool of Stem Cell Therapy is the most promising tool in controlling the signs of aging.

But, the physicists think more deeply than the biologists. For a clearer view on explaining vs. describing, watch the 2 min video (link in box below) by Richard Feynman (the physicist who won a noble prize, helped make the A-Bomb, and helped explain why the space shuttle crashed). This is very important if you wish to understand miracles.

Predicting a release date to market is difficult as its still in development but according to their website they are expecting it to be available in "several years".

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